How To Make Multi-Fruit Recipe

How To Make Multi-Fruit Recipe

1-Saute garlic, red pepper, chili powder. (If it softens)

2-Grind ginger, add fennel, masala, and cumin.
Fry until fragrant and crispy

3- Add potatoes, gourds, beans, peanuts, pumpkins, and eggs.

4- Add boiled beans and soy sauce
Add hot water and cover for about 20 minutes.

5- Add eggplant and cauliflower. (Add warm water if needed)
(If it takes 10 minutes)

6- Add okra, green chili and stir and taste.

7- Add mulberry juice, salt, and curry powder
After about 5 minutes, you can put the pot down.

Thick broth, soft fruit
Add the taste as you like.

The beans are soaked in water overnight
Add 1 teaspoon of salt in the morning and boil
It’s soft for a while.

Potatoes, gourds, beans, peanuts, pumpkins, and eggs
Eggplant, cauliflower
With the sweetness of 9 kinds of fruits
You don’t even need much curry powder.
So after the last taste
Add to taste.

Add the coconut milk at the end.
If you add it early, the fruits
It’s not very tender anymore.


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