How To Make Sea Crab Masala Recipe

How To Make Sea Crab Masala Recipe

minced onion,
Mashed garlic
Coat both with plenty of oil.

When it’s fragrant and doesn’t crack… Add cooking powder and oil.

When the green chillies are cut in half and added… add masala,

After that, add the saffron and stir. Add hot water, salt, soup powder, cover and stir.

When it is about to cook, pour the thick syrup on top.
Add a lot of coriander called coriander by hand,
Cover with masala and cover. Then stir.
The taste is sweet and sweet with the taste of onion and sweet and spicy.

The main thing is to add more yolks and more oil.
You can also add masala and coriander. If you are about to eat, filter the oil and add it, take as much oil as you need. I saw the rest let go. I add a lot of oil to make it taste better when cooking, but of course check it when you eat it.


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