How To Cook Fish Rice Recipe

How To Cook Fish Rice Recipe


Cooked Shan rice – 2 cans of condensed milk.

Freshwater fish (carp or carp) – 20 Kyats
Son (cut into large pieces).

Tomatoes – 3 (seeded and thinly sliced).

Fish sauce – 1 tablespoon.

Potatoes – 2 (boiled in water till it splits)

Sesame seeds – 1 teaspoon.

Salt – 1 teaspoon.

Chicken powder – 2 teaspoons.

Onion – 1 bunch (finely chopped)

Jewish River – Associates
8 dried red chilies (fried in oil)
Garlic – 5 pieces (chopped) (add oil in a pan, add sesame powder, add garlic and cook in oil)

Note . . Separate the fried garlic and cooking oil separately.

How To Prepare

1. First, fill a saucepan with water and boil the potatoes until they break.

2. While the potatoes are cooking, in another pan, add fresh water fish, tomato, rice, fish sauce Add water (2 cups) and keep it covered until a little water remains.

2. As shown in the picture, when there is some water left and the tomatoes start to split, turn off the flame.

3. After that, the fish is deboned and boned. Remove the skins and mince the meat.

How to make pickled fish rice

1. Pickled fish rice will be cooked. One bowl of rice (for 3 people), Boiled potatoes (mashed by hand), fish meat tomato paste Garlic oil (4 tablespoons), salt Add chicken powder.

2. Then rice and fish. potatoes Blend the tomatoes until smooth.

3. If the taste is good, fry garlic on top. Sprinkle the scallions.

4. Delicious pickled fish rice, Jewish river, fried chili, It can be used together with garlic.


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