Who Do You Like

Who Do You Like

”It’s really sad to see what Ronaldo is going through right now. I played with him in Madrid. He always helped and protected every teammate who was struggling with difficulties in the team. But now that he’s in trouble, he doesn’t even have a teammate to protect him.”

Ronaldo made his own destiny. No luck. He built himself up by combining some talent and hard work. People want to see you start from zero, and one day you will be zero again. They had to wait almost 20 years for that time to come. Now, in your weakest days, those who thought you were friends attacked you.

Ronaldo is hardly a stranger among those who criticize him. Only friends who know more about him are talking more. There is a saying in a story..”A friend who knows more about you. The day you are unfaithful is the day you die”…

People say..Gary Neville has supported Ronaldo as the best player all his life..Now when the truth is criticized, Ronaldo should not be angry with Neville with that one word.. (When you are successful (at your best), you may not have a million friends.
You may have a hundred thousand people who have worked hard and praised you. But when I fail, I can’t even have 10 people who support me. If you can’t send reinforcements when needed, that military ally is a traitor.) In front of the people, I think everything would have been more beautiful if Ronaldo had been directly advised and criticized about these truths behind the scenes rather than the well-timed blows in front of him and the lies of “because I love him.. because I want him to be better.”

Let’s face it..we are the ones watching Ronaldo’s play differently than normal people. Certainly, we are in the same glass as his friend who left when Ronaldo was failing
No. From the day I chose to be on your side, I vowed to support your play to the end and stand by you in every situation. To us, you will always be the best player in the world. If there was only one person left in the theater because of the bad ending, it would be me.

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