Benefits Of Seaweed Fertilizers

Benefits Of Seaweed Fertilizers

There was a time when horticulturists to ardent plant lovers, opted for commercially produced chemical supplements to feed the roots, but as the environment experienced a lot of modifications — and the alterations that took place were predominantly on a negative, ‘polluting’ slant — it became mandatory for one to switch their ways and divert their focus on natural supplements that do a good turn to your greens. This is where seaweed fertilizers come into the frame. Seaweed fertilizers are a prerequisite to organic gardening. Seaweed fertilizers have inherent properties of micro-nutrients in appropriate consistency for plant-quality improvement. Natural plant hormones are a necessity for healthy growth. Along with a sumptuous nutrient package, the seaweed fertilizers consist carbohydrates that plants use as their foundation for growth and sustenance.


What goes into making seaweed fertilizers is a question that one is bound to ask, when one hears about its enriching properties and a wealth of benefits it delivers. Potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and nitrogen are the key elements found in seaweed organic fertilizers. The organic seaweed fertilizers also have components that conform to nature. Cornmeal, bone ash, sea grass and compost that is found in your backyard are used to process seaweed fertilizers. If you are familiar with the method of composting and well versed with the concept of building a compost bin, you have one component, i.e., compost, that helps plants shoot with health.


Besides the seaweed fertilizers offering a healthy and stronger life to plants, it also gives them a disease- and pest-free term. Applying seaweed fertilizers on plants could be conducted by employing two methods.

Apply seaweed fertilizers by using a foliar spray. Foliar application is the most effective method as the absorption of plant nutrients and carbohydrates is improved, thereby proving beneficial. Fertilizers that consist kelp extracts are highly efficacious, thus helping the plant to soak in natural substances. Spraying the fertilizer in a manner that it forms dewy drops on the leaves, benefits the plant in soaking up the concentrate. The plant, as a whole, will absorb the fertilizers, and the benefits will exhibit themselves during their tenure.

The other method of applying seaweed fertilizers is administering the fertilizer in its dry, powdery state. The dried seaweed is applied on the soil, and this is where the onset of seaweed benefits comes into being for the plants.


Seaweed fertilizers prove beneficial when doctored on the soil, delivering strength through vital nutrients. The seaweed fertilizers are best administered when sprayed. Thus, liquid seaweed fertilizers have their own set of benefits. Here are the advantages that liquid seaweed fertilizers would provide plants with.

When the plant — from its neonatal stage shifts to acquiring or developing buds — it is suggested that seaweed fertilizer be sprayed gently on those buds to promote a healthy growth.

We all love flowers. Having the flowers cut freshly from the garden sod and placing them in an ornate vase, makes the ambiance of the house extremely enchanting and serene. We also wish these flowers preserve their freshness for days to come. However, we do find their shoulders drooping the very next day. Well, the good news is, your lovely flowers could droop a day or two later, if you spray seaweed fertilizer on them a day before you snip them from their stem. Also, remember to angle your knife while tweezing the flowers to improve their longevity.

If seeds are treated with seaweed fertilizers before they are sowed, they will germinate better, have an increased growth rate, and their roots will possess strength.

A ‘fighter’ plant could be acquired if the seaweed organic fertilizers are doctored on the plant. The plant will display a higher immunity against diseases and pests, such as greenfly, whitefly and will have an ameliorated growth pattern.

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