How To Keep Your Phone Battery Charged Longer

How To Keep Your Phone Battery Charged Longer

The dreaded notification pops up on your phone screen: your battery is running low.

We’ve all experienced the feeling of seeing that percentage drop further and lower with no access to a phone charger.

Whether you’re hoping to extend your battery’s life, or you need to keep your phone alive for a few extra hours, follow these simple steps to keep a little extra juice in that charge.

How to check your iPhone’s Battery Health

If your iPhone is older than a year, your battery could be spent. To check the health of your battery:

Settings > Battery > Battery Health

On this screen, if your battery is good, it should say “Peak Performance Capability”.   If it says anything less than this, you should consider contacting Apple to understand what options you have to replace the phone battery.

Close down apps using the most battery

You’ll note on the prior screen (Settings > Battery), at the bottom of the screen you’ll see a list of apps that are consuming the largest parts of your battery.  This may be helpful if you happen to keep apps open all the time.  You may want to close then to see if it makes a difference in your battery performance.


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