How To Make Potato Puree

How To Make Potato Puree

1. Cut the boiled potatoes into bite-sized pieces.
2. In a little hot oil, roll and fry the sliced ​​onion slices with a little bit of sesame oil until soft.

3. Add the cooking masala and stir, then add the chopped boiled potatoes and stir-fry lightly.
4. Add as much warm water as you want and adjust the taste with salt.

5. Add 1 and a half cups of wheat flour, a little salt and oil, warm water (about 1 cup of steamed rice) and press it vigorously. After kneading for about 20 minutes, the wheat should be large enough that the grains no longer stick to your hands.
6. Cover with plastic and soak for more than (1) hour, it will become mushy.


7. After making small balls the size of a rice ball, cover with plastic and marinate for about half an hour.
8. On a wooden board sprinkled with wheat flour, roll it with a rolling pin to make it into a round shape.
9. If you dip it in hot oil and press fry it, it should be deep fried.
10. It can be eaten together with unripe pickles.


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