How To Make Easy And Delicious Popsicles

How To Make Easy And Delicious Popsicles

As the hot summer weather is slowly approaching, I’m going to share my favorite ways to make popsicles at home. You can eat on your day off.

1, How to make multi-fruit popsicles
First, cut your favorite fruit into cubes.

Add a bowl of clean water and add white sugar to it. (You can add as much sweetness as you like.)
Do something just to grind the fruit.
Then mix the diced fruit with the fruit liquid and add it to the popsicle mold.
Finally, put it into the freezer to harden.

2, milk ice
Put the milk in a pot and cook it in the glutinous rice powder and sugar.
When cooking, stir the glutinous rice flour so that it does not get mixed.
If the milk boils, do not turn off the heat immediately. Turn off after 2 to 3 minutes.
Pour the milk into the ice cream mold and chill it in the refrigerator for about 4 hours.
Take the popsicle stick out of the freezer and take it out of the popsicle mold and wrap the popsicle stick. (If you add glutinous rice powder to the milk, it is very tasty.)

3, mango ice stick
(There are two ways to do it) Peel the mangoes and cut them into cubes, then add them to the unmixed yogurt and put them in ice cream molds and chill them in the refrigerator.
Another way is to remove the tax from the mangoes, grind them with a grinder, add them to the yogurt, put them in ice cream molds and put them in the refrigerator.
Everyone can try it in their free time.

Credit DIY

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