How To Make Fried Shrimp And Potatoes

How To Make Fried Shrimp And Potatoes

Very tasty and easy to share
Here’s a little way to try it. It was so good that I shared it.

How to do it

Salt the shrimp. It is dipped in sweet powder.

Flatten the potato and wash it 3 times to remove the resin.

If it turns white, season it with salt and soak it in ice cubes and press it with the bowl above.
So that the taste of the potatoes will also enter
It will be white and flat.

Break the toothpicks into pieces.
If you use the whole stick, it is difficult to turn it from side to side.

Roll up each shrimp with a slice of potato and poke it with a toothpick so that it doesn’t spread.

A lot of oil when frying, Fry on medium heat. Ripe potatoes are better to eat, so you can eat them with a little sour sauce.

How to make pickles
Ready made tomato sauce
And good to eat.

If you want to be spicy, add 10 chilies. Grind 3 large garlic eggs. Add the squeeze of 2 lemons. fish sauce chicken powder Add the sugar and stir. Let them be comfortable.

Shwe Sin May


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