How To Make Butter Rice Recipe

How To Make Butter Rice Recipe

Ingredients in butter rice (serves 8)
2 cans of basmati rice pudding
(rinse with water)

80 grams of butter

1 cup of carrots
(Cut into medium pieces)

1 cup of beans or beans
(Cut into medium pieces)

1 cup of dried grapes

1 cup of sesame seeds
(cut in half)

Half a cup of corn kernels

2 onions
(slice thinly)

3 bay leaves

1 worm

4 cardamom seeds

4 cloves

3 teaspoons of salt

3 teaspoons of chicken powder

1/8 teaspoon of pepper powder

# How to cook
1. Add the butter to the pan
When it melts, add hot oil to the onions.

2. New Japo, plantain leaves windy,
Add the cardamom seeds and stir for 1 minute.

3. Thiho seeds, carrot, Beans or beans
Add the corn and cook for another 1 minute.

4. Then Rice Cooker with added rice
butter from the pan, carrot, Beans
corn, Thiho seed, dried grapes and spices
Pour it in.

5. water (3 cups), salt Chicken powder
Add it and cook it like normal rice.

6. When the butter is cooked, add it to the consistency
Mix with a whisk.

get. Then if the taste is good
Delicious butter rice, chicken curry,
Fried chili paste Paired with pickled legume soup
Can be used

Ingredients for chicken curry
1. Chicken 40 kyats
(cut into large pieces)

2. 6 onions
(Shut up)

3. 4 cloves of garlic
(Shut up)

4. A ginger knuckle
(squeeze the liquid in the mouth)

5. Color powder (chili powder)
2 teaspoons

6. 2 teaspoons of salt

get. 2 teaspoons of chicken powder

8. 1 bunch of parsley

How to cook chicken curry
1. The ingredients are
half onion),
Garlic (half),
ginger salt chicken powder).
It has been mixed in the refrigerator
Soak for half an hour.

2. And then about 5 minutes before cooking
Put it out in advance.

3. Add oil (4 tablespoons) to the pan
When the oil is hot, the rest of the garlic, Red (Half).
Apply oil.

4. After that, add the color powder.

5. Then the minced chicken
Stir and simmer for 2 minutes
Give me the whole thing.

6. Just dip the chicken to make the chicken tender
Add water and cover.
If it is not soft, add more water.

get. When the chicken is tender, top with the parsley
Turn off the light.

And then it can be used together with deliciousness.


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