How To Make Both Liquid And Salad

How To Make Both Liquid And Salad

Since bone broth is the main ingredient, chicken bones or pork bones must be boiled for about 1 and a half hours after adding 2 garlic-peeled white radishes, pepper powder, parsley root, soy sauce, clear shellfish oil, sugar and a little salt.

Wrap the black yolks that float up on top. Then add your choice of prawns, beans, whole chicken, pork and fish.

To get rid of the green smell of sweet potato leaves, lettuce leaves and bean sprouts, give them hot water. Boil rice noodles for 2 minutes and set aside. You don’t need to boil it until it’s very soft.

The way to prepare it is to add rice noodles leaves and meatballs to the dish. Pour liquid. Add chili powder crushed peanuts. For those who like spicy and sour, make pickled green chilies and lime juice so that you can add it if needed. You can also add parsley, leek, duck egg and fried pork.

For theĀ  salad, if you combine all the oil cooked with garlic, rice flat noodles, meatballs, roasted peanuts, chili powder, and garlic, you will haveĀ  salad.


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