How To Make Vermi  Soup Recipe

How To Make Vermi  Soup Recipe

~ Soak four types of dried mouse ear mushrooms, dried flowers, artificial chicken wings and bean rolls. Except for dried flowers, pour out the soaked water every 5 minutes and soak again with fresh water. Because it can contain dyes. After changing the water about 3 times, filter the water with a filter and cut it to size with scissors.

~ Season the chicken or chicken bone with salt and sesame flavor powder.

~Put crushed red onion. Peel the onion and egg.

~ Soak the sesame seeds in water.

~Add the ginger, sugar, water, onion and egg to the chicken and boil for about an hour. Throw away the meat that floats on top. When the chicken is soft, put it in the pot. I will prepare to get red oil.

~ Grind the crushed red onion with oil. When the onion is almost crisp, add the chili powder. Add a little sauce to make it more fragrant. Be careful not to dig the onion.

~ Add a red spoonful of cooked oil into the pot of liquid chicken that has just been boiled and let the pot boil again. If the chicken broth is low, you can add more water.

~ When the pot of chicken broth is boiling, add the mouse ear mushrooms. After another 5 minutes, add dried flower bean rolls and artificial chicken wings. Add salt and pepper to taste and cook until boiling. Finally, add the vermicelli. After about 2 minutes, the pot can be turned off. Customize the flavor as needed.

~ You can prepare a meal of vermicelli and eat it together with parsley, onion, lime sauce and chili powder. Be comfortable.


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