How To Cook Fish Recipe

How To Cook Fish Recipe

The things that need to be added as much as five

As much as 50 fish
8 onions
2 tomatoes
Polishing powder
1 cup of watermelon
1 teaspoon of sugar

Flavor powder

How to do it
Wash the fish into 4 parts, remove the guts from the stomach
Then put it on the paper, at least
Soak for 2 hours
Mash the onion, thinly slice the eggplant
When the oil is boiling, add the crushed onion and eggplants and heat the oil. When it is about to burn, add the sunflower and coloring powder. You don’t need to crush the eggplants.

Spread the lemongrass in the pot and spread it on the marinated fish
Add each, and add the fried onions
Soak the fish in water and cook for 45 minutes

Those who don’t have a pot, use a regular pot and a long pot
Do not light the fire;
Cut the rest of the onions from the bones of the fish into four slices and return to the oil
put it down

You have to be careful, if there are too many lemons, it will be sweet, and if there is too much sugar, it will be very sweet

Those who like to fry the fish above
Follow the instructions
All in all, cook as much fish as you like
May they be

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